Customized solutions

How we work


Our present and the future must be sustainable: we contribute to assure that your organization is sustainable environmentally, socially and in a governance level, focused not only on its economic growth, but also actively involved in the pursuit of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 - integrating a movement for the defense of the planet, its fauna and flora and greater racial and gender equality.

Organizational Policies Development

To reinforce the core values of your company, we create and improve the necessary internal policies, developing the handling of the daily activities, in order to minimize the risks of operational and legal liabilities, with a particular focus on the Ethical and Conduct Codes, engaging the members of your organization.

Whistleblowing channels and internal investigation

Being legally mandatory the existence of a whistleblowing channel and the protection of European Union Law violations whistleblowers, we support your organization to assure the suited reception and follow-up of the complaint, its confidentiality and conservation; furthermore, actively aiming to guarantee an active and legitimate sustainability, ETIC touts the implementation of communication channels and the effective handling of internal workplace harassment and discrimination complaints, as well as complaints regarding the organization core values maladjusted practices.


We want your organization, their directors and employees to be focused on the success and preservation of the company core values: to this end, we provide training in areas such as organizational and business ethics, non-violent communication and non-discrimination, conflict of interest, and fraud and corruption prevention - boosting a better organizational culture, reducing the incidence of potential conflicts and preferentially dealing with them through restorative practices.

Legal consultancy

In a preventive approach, we seek to be part of the adaption of your organization to the legal requirements, preventing or aiming to minimize the negative legal consequences; we can also represent your structure in the commercial interactions with clients and business partners, and with Portuguese public entities, maintaining your safety and fostering your commercial success.

Academic Mentoring

ETIC provides support for the preparation of applications to scientific scholarships and assists in the structuring and adjustement of academical works.

Due Diligence

Aiming to avoid the assumption of contractual and work obligations that may cause economic losses or corporate image damages, we prepare Due Diligence Reports, allowing our clients to identify operational and recruitment risks, most importantly at C-level